She is single :- When some people speak these words they have some meaningful expressions on their faces, sometimes they show expressions of pity, sometimes as if having fun or weighing her character but this status is hardly expressed in a normal way. There may be various causes for a lady to be single. She might not have got an appropriate match for herself, she could not have adjusted with her husband and in laws due to her own faults, beliefs, ideology or the same of the other side or of both the parties, she might be a divorcee or a widow. Whatever may be the cause these ladies remain in a period of deep sorrow for some days, some months or some years and during that period the tears do not dry from their eyes, sadness on the face becomes their identity, everybody takes a sigh and tries to console them but some of them laugh at back and blame her to be lethargic, not able to adjust ...
Showing posts from September, 2024